Mineralized Uses
We recently conducted a survey of our customers and found that Mineralized is used in various ways:
- Deodorant
- Body Powder (underboobs, or other areas that don't breathe well)
- Private areas
- Foot/shoe powder
- Face de-shiner (a light dabbing removes the sheen from oily skin)
- Dry shampoo
How to apply Mineralized?
Please see our application instructions.
Do you test on animals?
No, we do not, and we have confirmed with our suppliers that they also do not test on animals. Mineralized is also a vegan product.
Why a powder?
We chose a powder to stay true to our values of selecting ingredients based on safety and effectiveness.
Synthetic chemicals are commonly used to create sticks, gels, and creams, and we wanted to avoid them.
The resulting formulation is a powder to avoid these chemicals.
How long does it last?
We offer two sizes: Full-Size (same as the refill size) and Big Samples.
• Full-Size/Refills last about 6–8 months with underarm use.
• Big Samples last approximately 5–8 weeks.
These estimates are based on customer feedback and buying patterns, but actual duration varies depending on usage.
What are the descriptions of the different scents?
Worried you won't like the scents? Free exchanges, just contact us!
New Scent: Tea Tree (fresh, herbal, clean)
This scent is more traditionally masculine and smells very clean. We strongly recommend considering this for those that do not like floral scents.
Sandalwood (woody, creamy, warm, inviting)
Cherry Blossom* (light, sweet and refreshing with notes of pear, rose, and vanilla)
Blue Tansy (sweet, earthy, herbal, complex)
Lavender (floral, clean, notes of herbs, calming)
Pink Grapefruit + Bergamot (bright, fruity, fresh, invigorating)
Sage (fresh, herbaceous, hints of eucalyptus and mint, magical)
Wild Black Spruce (freshly-cut pine, woodsy, musky, hardy)
Vanilla (sweet, rich, freshly baked)
Rose (graceful, exquisite and softly floral)
Tea Tree (fresh, herbal, clean)
Sensitive Unscented (unscented, our most sensitive offering).
*Cherry blossom is technically "fragrance oil", not an essential oil. It is free of parabens, phthalates, Lyrals and Lilials (all known to have negative effects on humans). All other oils are essential oils, organic when available.
What if I don't like the scents I chose?
We understand that choosing scents online is difficult.
If you try a new scent and really don’t like it, email us—we can send a replacement, offer store credit, or provide a refund. We want you to love your scents, so we’re happy to accommodate reasonable requests.
Is it an antiperspirant? How does it affect perspiration?
Mineralized is a deodorant, not an antiperspirant.
Antiperspirants contain aluminum, which clogs sweat glands to prevent sweating. Mineralized is aluminum-free and works by neutralizing odor.
That said, some of our ingredients are hydrophilic (water-loving) and absorb moisture, creating a slight drying effect.
Some customers with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) have found that Mineralized helps. We’ve shared some of their feedback on our Instagram here.
If you need to prevent sweating completely, you may still want to use an antiperspirant on certain days. However, using Mineralized on easy days or weekends can reduce exposure to antiperspirant chemicals.
Does Mineralized contain parabens, phthalates, or lilials?
No, Mineralized does not contain these.
What if it doesn't work?
Please see the section below our application instructions for common reasons why it might not work.
What is the pH of Mineralized?
Mineralized has a slightly basic pH of approximately 7.5 when mixed with 30ml of water.
For reference:
• Water has a pH of 7.0
• Baking soda (measured the same way) has a pH of ~9.0
How do you clean the applicator?
The applicator sponge is washable.
Wash with mild soap and water, rinse thoroughly, and let it air dry.
Depending on humidity, drying may take up to a day. Place near an HVAC vent or fan to speed up drying.
If needed, the applicator can be machine-dried in the clothing dryer (with dark colors, just in case).
What is the applicator made of?
The applicator is made from 70% biodegradable polyurethane foam (free of latex). This is similar to the foam found in furniture, mattresses, car seats, shoes, and yoga mats to name a few examples. It is inert and resilient and can be washed many times.
We consider this the largest shortcoming in terms of environmental impact at this time. But it is very durable, and can be washed many times before needing replacement. We have some that are going on 4 years old at this point.
We tested a 100% biodegradable version, but it was a not resilient enough for regular use (it basically crumbled a bit to easily).
We do have some other ideas we are testing, and might have something soon!
Where do you source your materials from?
The product is made in Englewood, Colorado, USA (a suburb of Denver).
But we source our ingredients and materials from all over:
We buy the powder ingredients from an American distributor, who gets most of the powder from the dead sea (Israel), but one ingredient is from Japan.
The packaging is sourced from China - we have looked around in the USA for packaging, but as a smaller business we have two headwinds: 1) USA-based suppliers don't want to deal in the 'small' quantities we need, and 2) the prices are high compared to what we can get overseas. One day, hopefully, that will change.
The essential oils are from Canadian and French distributors, but they source them from many different countries.
Does the aluminum jar leach into the product?
Aluminum leaching into Mineralized is not a concern.
The reason why is that aluminum after being formed reacts quickly with oxygen in the air and forms a very thin layer of aluminum oxide.
This nanometer-thick layer acts as a protective coating to the underlying aluminum, and is inert to chemical reactions except in certain circumstances.
This is similar to the process of iron becoming rusty (becoming iron oxide) in the presence of salt water, but it happens more rapidly and without needing the water.
We did a little searching just to see if we could be wrong, and the conditions that are necessary for aluminum to corrode seem to require a strong alkaline liquid.
We also reached out to our manufacturers to double check, and they agreed that there isn't any reason to believe that the aluminum will leach into the powder.
Here are some resources talking about aluminum corrosion, if you want to read more yourself: https://www.sciencedirect.com/
High-level article: Here is an article that discusses some of the issues at a high level, if you are interested.
Why did you switch to jojoba oil (from coconut oil)?
We learned that more people are sensitive to coconut oil than we initially thought (and many do not know it themselves). The jojoba oil was used in our 'sensitive" version and seems to agree with a greater number of people, so after testing that it worked with scented versions we just switched it out. We still have an unscented coconut oil version available by special request.
Does Mineralized contain non-nano powder?
We do not use nano-powders in Mineralized. We are aware of the potential negative effects of nano-sized powders and inhalation. You can find an example size distribution report of the ingredients here.
In reading your bio message in the ‘About’ section, it looks like this product has not gone through any formal testing or research or regulations. It appears to have just been tested on friends… and customers. How do we know it is truly safe?
Firstly, personal care products like deodorants are basically unregulated in the USA (assuming you are also USA based).
You could ask that for virtually every product out there.
Here is the FDA page addressing some frequently asked questions on this topic:
The short summary of that page is:
- FDA Regulation vs. Approval:
- Cosmetics are not FDA-approved but are regulated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA).
- Color additives are the exception, requiring FDA approval before being used in cosmetics.
- Definition of Cosmetics:
- Defined by intended use, such as products for cleansing, beautifying, or altering appearance, excluding soaps.
- Safety and Labeling Laws:
- Prohibits adulterated or misbranded cosmetics in interstate commerce.
- Adulteration can involve harmful substances, unsanitary conditions, or harmful packaging.
- Misbranding involves false labeling or inadequate information about the product.
- Manufacturer Responsibilities:
- Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring the safety of their products.
- FDA does not require specific tests but expects manufacturers to perform necessary safety substantiations.
- FDA Enforcement:
- Can pursue legal action against non-compliant products or companies.
- Can inspect manufacturing facilities and test cosmetics.
- Does not have the authority to order cosmetic recalls but can request recalls of hazardous products.
Ingredient safety
The cosmetic ingredient review (CIR) maintains an extensive database of ingredients and summaries of the tests done. You can find that list here: https://www.cir-safety.org/ingredients
If you dig into these papers, and go one layer deeper to read the papers that these summaries reference, you will see that many (all that we looked at, anyway) of the safety studies involve a variant of a few tests:
- Take a very large dose of the tested chemical and administer it to mice, multiple times per day, for a few weeks. If there are any acute reactions, note them and assume they probably apply to humans as well.
- Administer doses of the chemicals to small patches of human skin and see if any reaction develops over the coming weeks.
- In some cases, they can test these chemicals “in vitro” (tested on living cells in a lab, outside the organism). These are also short-term studies.
Our conclusion from digging deeper into this world is that the science for acute exposure for many of these chemicals is solid enough.
However, and this is important, there are no long-term studies in humans on the safety of these chemicals. We do not know (and might never know, due to the complexity of the problem) the true long-term effects of dosing these chemicals daily on humans.
Our view on this: we, as a society, are not weighing the unknowns here strongly enough. What makes us think that many of the chemicals are safe??
Mineralized Deodorant
Our answer is to try to create an effective product out of simple mineral compounds, with constituent ingredients that are already in our bodies (magnesium and calcium compounds in our case). Our reasoning is more from first principles: our body has these minerals in us already, and has machinery to deal with those minerals. Contrast this with the cocktail of foreign chemicals many of us are putting on our bodies everyday.
Long term safety?
So to finally address your question, we do not know if Mineralized is truly safe in the long term. We know from those studies that acutely it is very likely to be safe. But for the long term, for all personal care products, we are in a sense running the experiment currently.
There have been a few of these “experiments” run already, with adverse outcomes. If you are not familiar, feel free to research talc/asbestos, parabens, BPAs, etc.
But for our bodies, we choose to bet on Mineralized, for the reasons stated above.
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